The Cardiac and Comorbid Conditions Heart Failure (3C-HF) score, developed at Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXII (previous Ospedali Riuniti) - Bergamo and Istituto Fisiologia Clinica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Pisa (Italy), is a simple risk stratification model, based on routinely available clinical information including comorbidities, to predict all-cause 1-year mortality in HF patients (Int. J. Cardiol. 2013;163:206-211).
A cohort of 6.274 consecutive HF patients was recruited at 24 Cardiology and Internal Medicine Units in Europe.

The logistic model allows to calculate the 1-year mortality in the individual patient.

The additive model allows to calculate, through the 3C-HF score, the 1-year mortality risk at the bedside without web connection, or in absence of the precise values of creatinine and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF).

About this calculator

The 3C-HF score stratifies the individual patient risk at one year, a time-span that is critical for treatment choices, such as device therapy, but still minimizes the potentially larger impact of comorbidities, rather than cardiac conditions, on outcome.

Risk stratification should be repeated after one year, or in case of any significant change in the considered variables.